Saturday, July 25, 2009

It's on!

Well, it's faint, but it's there. Just like it was on the other five that Ashley did. We know it's very early, but we're still excited.

To celebrate, we had smoothies and waffles.


  1. Congratulations! That didn't take long. Now for the long and interesting part.
    I see from your diet you haven't taken to heart my opinions and facts about foods with high glycemic index such as high fructose corn syrup, refined wheat products, potatoes and white rice. Perhaps I should send you a copy of "Good Calorie, Bad Calorie" and a copy of the dvd of Food, Inc. when it is available.

  2. *rolls eyes*

    That's real maple syrup. We got it for mom because she doesn't like the fake stuff. The waffles contain wheat, I hope, but probably no rice or potatoes, and are bulked up with ground nuts.

    Surely the only corn syrup is in the vanilla yogurt in the smoothies, and if yogurt and fruit smoothies can be legitimately criticized as unhealthy then I say screw it, pass the twinkies.
