Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Here are some pictures extracted from our cell phones of local wildlife.

This little bird was stuck in Kevin's fireplace. It came down the chimney, but the opening was sensibly sealed off with plastic, and the poor little thing got trapped under the old gas stove insert. We rushed over with a box, a bucket, some towels, and one glove. It took a team effort, but he/she was safely extricated and released back to the wild.

This is one of the bunnies that live in our backyard. Normally they hang out on the grass, but this one was getting ready to make a quick escape under the fence.

This was a hawk or a falcon or something that was flying around All Saints. I tried to sneak up to get closer but it flew off.

This big old bluejay was pecking around by the shed and I took the picture blind by holding the camera around the corner. I think it may have been thinking about taking the golf balls back to the nest to sit on.
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