I know that Portland has been hit by some crazy 100F+ weather this summer, but generally the climate is cool and not particularly humid - the water tends to remain is just the liquid phase year round - which is not conducive to breeding large or venemous insects. Hallelujah. Pittsburgh is not exactly a fetid rainforest itself, but remember that we're not to many miles north of the Mason Dixon line. Mom and I were terrified by the mouse sized spider we saw hanging out in southern Indiana, and I continue to be shocked when I meet insects larger than an inch. This seems to be the time of year when they start to be around.
The shadow of this two inch grasshopper was projected and enlarged onto the sheer curtain in our front hall.
A half dozen husks of these inch long cicadas (right?) are clustered on the trunk of our maple tree.
Every couple of years I spot a preying mantis or too, and hopefully I'll have a camera handy.
Sara saved a preying mantis this weekend...by moving it from the parking lot to the grass.