Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A sign?

Normally I don't put much trust in fortune cookies, especially relative to sonograms, but today, after Ashley said "maybe this will tell us if it's a boy or a girl" we opened one to find an unusually unambiguous message:

So there you go. We've also met a little baby with our top-secret boy name, and the consensus of people evaluating the size and shape of the bump has also been toward a boy.

I know there hasn't been too much going on around here online, but that's partly because of all the cool stuff happening in the real world. I hope to get in a few more updates before it becomes 24-7 baby around here.


  1. Have I mentioned that Jennifer is coming back as a boys name???

  2. Wow cool! If it's true, you may even start to trust the Chinese fortune cookie fortunes!

  3. Those Chinese...
    Maybe with the current state of the world you should consider a name such as Gaoyang or Yi.

  4. or Mao since the new arrival will be an autocrat I assure you

  5. Congratulations! I also happen to think Jennifer is an awesome boy name. ;)

    This is Julie, Maya and Melissa's older sister, and I found you from Jen's blog. Small world, huh?
