Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I hope this is the grossest picture I ever post on the internet.

Steve Prefontaine said "Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."

I don't think this is what he meant:

(scroll down because I don't know how to make a jump)

Everyone seems to be running these days, and last Saturday I felt pretty good, so I decided to see the absolute farthest I could go (about nine miles out, then I limped home). Between the cramps and thigh chafing I didn't realize extent of these particular abrasions until the hot water hit me in the shower the next morning.


  1. Thanks for using the kitchen counter as a photo studio for your bloody, sweaty clothing. (Posted by Ashley)

  2. I've never seen that. It looks PAINFUL! Usually the pain was bad enough we'd take off our shirts. Eventually we jammed vaseline in a baggie in the little key pocket of our running shorts to use as a lubricant should it be needed.
    How were your feet?

  3. NICK. Sorry I'm slow on the uptake with your blog but now that I'm seeing this, I am wondering if you have ever watched The Office? If not, check Season 4 "Fun Run"
