Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Office

A nice change at work: I have been assigned an office! Now I have a door, a window, a light switch, twice the height of wall, and instead of elasticized carpeting material I am surrounded by blond wood paneling. For my birthday I was given a couple of plants, too, which I haven't had time to kill yet.

My old cubicle is slated for occupation by a new modeler to join us by September. It is withing yelling distance of my boss's office, which will be handy for getting up to speed on the project.

Sadly, I will no longer be able to bring you updates of the copier repair guy's nasal congestion problems.

My office

My decorations

My view


  1. As for the view, I would get a curtain. As for the office, perfect. A room of one's own.

  2. I do have a blind (not pictured) which is important for keeping out the heat from the morning sun.
